Robots in our life

Robots in our life

July 19, 2018 by Leo Webb
Robots in our life-min

A cleanly cook who prepares perfect food according to strict recipes, a smart worker who builds reliable constructions and a highly qualified doctor operating with a great precision: all this is can be achieved by robots. Nowadays, this is more than a mere fantasy.

Undoubtedly robots are faster, more enduring and disciplined than humans. Likewise, there are many dangerous professions that would be better delegated to robots.

Let’s consider which professions robots could occupy during the present stage of development.

Robots in restaurants and cafes

In San Francisco you can find Cafe X. At first glance, from the outside it appears to be your average coffee house. When you come in, however, you will notice a rather unusual service. The cafe is fully automatized; there are no waiters or barista, and you can submit an order via a special terminal or mobile application. After ordering, the robot-barista will prepare your coffee with the same care and ease of your current barista. The quality of the coffee remains the same, but the service is certainly different.

Not only are individual restaurants implementing automatized solutions, but large retail chains such as McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts and Wendy’s have begun to test new automated technologies.

Robots in Health Care Industry

Robots are widely used in medicine. They can operate as doctors, the doctor’s assistant or even be used as smart equipment.


RoBoSculpt is a robot who can trepanate a skull. The process of opening a skull requires extra high precision and accuracy, and RoBoSculpt makes this a reality. The robot, however, can only make an opening in the skull. The actual operation on the brain is still left up to the doctors.


In China developers created Robot-Dentist. This robot can conduct an entire unassisted dental operation. The software for Robot-Dentist was completed in five years, and was successfully tested in 2018.

Nanorobots against cancer

Scientists invented and tested the first DNA-nanorobots that can cure cancer. Their tiny build allows them to more accurately analyze and search for malignant neoplasms. These robots find and block perfusions to cells of the neoplasm.

Robots in music


In a Czech club called Karlovy Lazne, the music is played by a Robot-DJ. Due to complicated software, the robot can choose qualitative music sets and even dance to the beat.


In an Italian Theatre in Pisa called Verdi, a concert was conducted by the robot YuMi. The Swiss company ABB designed YuMi as a Robot-Conductor. The concert gathered more than 800 people from all over the world.

Robotic music band

Automatica is a music band that consists of industrial robots. The musician Nigel Stanford taught the robots to play the musical instruments. The Kuka Roboter produced the robots for the band, and Robot Animator and Maya 3D provided the software.

Dangerous professions


Engineers from an Italian technological university created the first robot-fireman Walk-Man. This robot can effectively operate in conditions that are considered to be too dangerous for humans. Walk-Man can only work with the help of a coordinator who controls his activity.


Last year the first robot officer, Robocop, officially reported for duty in Dubai. Robocop walks with the help of a GPS-navigator, can scan faces and identify a criminal according to their e-fit. Moreover, the robot allows for the payment of penalties.

Robots in Agriculture

Robotization fundamentally changes agriculture. Traditional agricultural methods are becoming ineffective and obsolete as the need for food continues to grow, while fewer people want to work in the agriculture sphere.

Harvesting and picking are the most popular fields for automatization. Robots help to pick crops, and yield fast and accurate bounties. It should be mentioned, however, that it is very difficult to design such robots, as different fruits and vegetables require different methods of harvesting.

The robotization of autonomous seeding, spraying and irrigation helps to minimize costs and improve runout accuracy. There many different machines for each of these purposes, with drones being the most frequently used.

There are many other spheres where robots can be used, and people should not be afraid of the fact that robots can occupy most of these jobs. On the contrary, people should strive to build reliable and trusting economic relations with these robots. Such a solution is already being presented by the Robonomics Network. This platform corrects robot-to-human and robot-to-robot interactions using innovative blockchain technology.

As a result, all of these robots and autonomous devices can unite to form smart cities and spur the Fourth Industrial Revolution—Industry 4.0—which brings the interaction between people and autonomous machines to the next level. You can learn more information about Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 from the next article.